Paul Simonson will be speaking in an upcoming Strafford live webinar, “Jury Selection in Personal Injury Litigation: Connecting With Today’s Jury Pool” scheduled for Wednesday, February 5, 1:00pm-2:30pm EST.

Effective jury selection is one of the key aspects in the outcome of trials on personal injury claims. Prospective jurors often possess strong beliefs and biases based on their own experiences and generational differences. These beliefs will color how they view a case.

In assessing whether a potential juror would help or harm their personal injury case, litigators should compare the background of the prospective juror to the plaintiff, their occupation and educational level, and their cultural predisposition. By using tested jury selection techniques, personal injury attorneys can develop insights into potential jurors and weed out those they don’t want. Social media is proving to be a powerful tool in selecting optimal jurors.

The panel will provide personal injury litigators with key techniques for selecting jurors. The panel will offer specific tips for using social media, questionnaires, weeding out jurors, dealing with tainted jury panels, and avoiding common mistakes during voir dire.

Our perspectives and guidance on these and other critical questions will be offered:

– What techniques can personal injury litigators use to increase the “likeability” of their client by potential jurors during jury selection?
– What types of open-ended questions are likely to indicate the biases of potential jurors?
– How can personal injury litigators precondition jurors to the key themes in their case during voir dire?
– How do generational differences impact how litigators should communicate with prospective jurors?
– How is social media affecting the jury selection process?

After our presentations, we will engage in a live question and answer session with participants so we can answer your questions about these important issues directly.

For more information or to register:

Or call 1-800-926-7926 ext. 10
Ask for Jury Selection in Personal Injury Cases on 2/5/2014
Mention code: ZDFCT


Paul Simonson, Senior Partner
Simonson Hess Leibowitz & Goodman, PC

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